
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving in Pictures

We're appropriately wrapping up a crazy holiday weekend with naps in front of football games, turkey and rice soup simmering on the stove, and one very tired little girl upstairs having a quiet time.  Hope your weekend was as satisfying as ours was.  A few pictures…………

You really shouldn't judge unless you try it.  Nothing, nothing, nothing gets your turkey perfectly browned and crispy in all the right spots like a blow torch.  I promise.  And while you're at it--you could spot treat a stain.  

Growing up, breaking the wishbone was a tradition not to be missed.  Since I boiled the turkey remains this year to make home-made stock (that's right….I did….and I'm pretty proud of myself) I found the wishbone and had Georgia break it with me.  Like I'm supposed to as her mom, I let her win.  She got the biggest half and is convinced her wish for a bunny will come true.  I spent way too many years with a rabbit in my classroom to grant that one.  Dirtiest animals ever.

On Saturday we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with Chris's family since his grand-parents leave for Florida for the winter this week.  There are a crazy amount of grand-kids and cousins.  But that kind of chaos has fun written all over it for little kids.  

And now……
We enter into the best month of the year.  I wish the Christmas season was two months long.  It would give you plenty of time to soak up all of the get-togethers, cozy nights at home, Christmas movies, cookie exchanges, school concerts, church events, dinners with friends, family game nights, and all the other good stuff without feeling too rushed.  But alas…'s not.  And with only three weeks between Thanksgiving and the kick-off to Christmas week we have a lot of fantastic to pack in!  I'm up for the challenge.  I finally got a white Christmas tree this year.  I've been dreaming of one for a while! 

And we opened our first advent box this morning.  Something about advent calendars makes me nostalgic for growing up.  I'll always love them. 

Happy December 1st!  

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