
Friday, May 24, 2013

"I'm like a real artist."

If you need an easy little craft to do with your kiddo this weekend.....and something that you could probably end up hanging in their playroom, bathroom, bedroom, or anywhere really to make them feel super's what you need:

A cheap little canvas; Michael's always has them on sale and I got this one for $3.
Tape; masking or washi.

Tape a pattern onto the canvas.  Georgia's four year old hands were a little too frustrated to master this on her own so I helped her out in creating a pattern.  Make sure you press the tape down firmly so paint doesn't leak into the various areas.

Let them go to town.

Let the masterpiece dry over night and then peel the tape off.

And then hang it up somewhere prominent so your four year old can say, "I'm LIKE a real artist."

"You certainly are Georgia."

And apparently I'm "like a real writer" today or something too. I had a piece published in Adoptive Families magazine this month and I am so honored to have been picked by this amazing publication and resource for adoptive families of all kinds to contribute to their "Celebrate Adoption Collectors Issue."

Happy Weekend!  Ribs and good friends were on the menu over here tonight!


  1. love this! SO COOL about the mag article. love you.

  2. Adorable painting!! And congrats on the article!!!!

  3. Love the art and love the article!

    Continue pressing on for open adoption. Yours is a beautiful story :-)

    1. Thanks Erin! I feel pretty lucky to have it.

  4. Was it in the May edition? I can't find that one in my stack of magazines. I hope my subscription didn't expire. Thanks for sharing!
