
Thursday, January 10, 2013

News. The Best News.

Last Friday I posted this.  I spent the rest of the weekend crying on and off.  I spent the early part of this week crying on and off. And a lot of yesterday, the day of their hearing, crying on and off.  And to be honest, I've spent a lot of time since last February when this situation first arose crying on and off. And in the midst of those tears and on either side of them I prayed, like a mad woman, for this situation to be resolved in a way that would be best for Asher.

And all over the world, and I love that I can say world--because I know it's true, people were praying their hearts out for Asher and his mommy and daddy.  Thousands of people, many of them who don't even know Karen and Aaron and will never meet them cried out for them and their amazing little boy.  They prayed that what was best for Asher would be done; pleading with God that what would be best for Asher would be that he'd stay with Karen and Aaron.

And today.  January 10th.  An amazing judge ruled that what would be best for Asher is for Karen and Aaron to be his parents for the rest of his life.  He belonged with them.

There really are no words to describe how I feel about this ruling.  Elated? Relieved? Thankful? Overcome with emotion?  They're all true.  But they just don't feel......good enough.....descriptive enough.  And I think that's how it is when something is that good.  It takes the words out of your mouth and reduces you to a shaking, sobbing, laughing, mess in the Subway parking lot while you're picking up lunch and people walk by you wondering what's wrong with the crazy woman in the white car.

I can never say thank-you enough to everyone that took up this burden and inquired about it over and over, the stories you've shared with me about people you know and that I don't asking about it, the comments I've read on so many of your Facebook walls after you shared Asher's story that were brimming over with love and support and sadness and faith, the e-mails I've received from adoptive mamas who I've never met who've been in this situation offering a listening ear, and ultimately....the prayers.

The prayers have blown me away.  It's been one of the defining moments in my life. To see so many people come together for this amazing family and hurt for them when they probably didn't even know them was life altering for me and taught me so much about what it means to pray without ceasing and to have faith in a God who is bigger than legal precedent and a judicial system that is so frequently frustrating and illogical.

I'll leave you with Karen's Facebook status tonight.......

It’s over! We won! Asher is ours!!!

The Lord so graciously went before us today. He gave us a wise judge who cares about the law. He spared all of our witnesses from the horrible task of having to testify. He granted us an immediate decision - a dismissal - from the judge, within 20 minutes of when the hearing began.

We celebrate so many victories today, the greatest being the Lord’s presence in our lives. We always knew we were called to be parents - and today that was reaffirmed for us in mighty ways. We’ve seen friends, families…even strangers come together on our behalf collectively pounding down the gates of Heaven through prayer and petition. We’ve experienced 12 days of AWESOMENESS with Asher…and locked precious moments from each of those days deep down in our hearts to carry with us always.

And above all, we believe that the Lord has been glorified in mighty ways…glorified by your response to us…glorified by the final outcome…and most importantly, glorified in the praises we hope you’ll shout to the heavens when you read this post.

Psalm 118:15
Shouts of JOY and VICTORY resound in the tents of the righteous: “The Lord’s right hand has done MIGHTY things!


  1. This is the best news I've heard in a long while. I prayed and prayed for this sweet family. I was continually struck by the grace and poise with which they handled the situation, and so encouraged by their decision to celebrate the time they have with their little boy. It is a reminder that none of these precious ones belong to us, they are all on loan from The Lord, gifts to us as we are entrusted with the work of raising them. I am so blessed The Lord is keeping Asher with his mommy and daddy.

  2. Thank you! Thank you for sharing so beautifully what I was unable to do. My facebook status was more like this, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, etc. I too am without words. NOTHING even comes close to the JOY I feel for this precious family. I am a mother of 5, and I know so well the things you would do for your children. You would face every odd, fight every battle, climb every mountain. No matter what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you would also use a lot of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am overwhelmed as I continue to think about them, even now. I bet tonight is a night like no other, finally - PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you our GREAT and POWERFUL HEAVENLY FATHER for the peace tonight that YOU give to the Lings. May they rest in it now and always!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Amen!! Praise Jesus! Glory to God forever!!

  4. Amen! Praise Jesus! Glory to God forever!!

  5. This is fantastic news! I was starting to really worry when there was no update. My little guy us going through separation anxiety right now and he's not even as old as Asher. I kept thinking about how traumatizing it would be for him for his parents to have to hand him over to someone he hardly knows (or doesn't know at all). WHEW!

    I will continue to pray, as I have all along, for peace and healing for Ahsher's birth father. I hope that they can all find their way to a relationship that will be best for Asher.

  6. Thank you for posting this; I don't know the family but found the post on Wednesday via a FB friend. Grateful to have been a small part of the multitude praying! Celebrating this victory today! Blessings!

  7. Thanks for updating. Prayers were prayed here!! Loving the fact gods will was done!!

  8. Thanks for updating. Prayers were prayed here. Thank God for his will being done in Asher's life and family!

  9. Praising God with you and Asher's family!

  10. I am just so happy to read this post! :)

  11. I am literally in tears. I have been praying for them and am so happy to hear that Asher gets to remain with his parents. Thank you for giving us an update.

  12. Oh my! I am crying... tears of happiness and relief.
