
Friday, December 7, 2012

SITS Day.....It actually came!

Hello, hello, hello to all of you that are stopping over from SITS today....and of course to my fantastic loyal readers as well!!  Your featured SITS day kind of starts to feel like a mirage; you think you can see it coming up've been leaving comments on blogs all over the world for like a year, but starts to disappear again and you think, "I've got to be getting that e-mail soon....right?"

To have it finally be here is pretty darn exhilarating! 

It's so great to have you stop by this little space I have.  I hope you'll stick around for a while.  (And for my everyday readers who love to blog as well make sure to check out the SITS website--link above--to find out what being a featured blogger is all about! And also to discover some pretty amazing blogs to follow!)

Pink Shoes was born out of my desire to write about adoption, and the name of my blog comes from one of the most important lessons I learned while going through the domestic adoption process.  You can read that story here!  If you're a fellow adoptive mama, birth mom, or someone who is starting to explore adoption in general I'm so happy to 'meet' you.  Nothing has changed my life like adoption, and it's become my personal mission statement to cultivate a culture of adoption in our country.  It's a little........a lot.......mysterious to many people and that is too bad.  It doesn't need to be......and hopefully my voice can be one of many working to change that. 

And while adoption is most definitely the foundation upon which Pink Shoes is built, everyday life and what I'm learning from it resides here too.  I'm no expert........on anything.......but I do believe that if you have a voice to share you should....we all have something to learn.....and you never know when you might be the vehicle by which someone learns something, grows personally, or gains some confidence....and in the meantime you'll reap the benefit of all those things too! 

Some of my favorite posts from the last year for you to check out if you'd like......

Discussions that make me thankful for open adoption.
Airplanes & Expectations.
The "B" Word.
Drying my hair in the dining room.
The moms in your village.

And, you can also find me over at Mom Colored Glasses on a regular basis; a fantastic online magazine for moms that covers pretty much anything moms think about; DIY's, recipes, healthy living, adoption, faith, special needs, kids and pets, app reviews for kids, and on and on.  We're hosting a pretty awesome Shabby Apple giveaway today over there that you'll for sure want to check out.

So again.....thank you, thank you, thank you for coming by today.  I hope you're hear to stay! Happy Friday to you all.  Drink some hot chocolate, watch Elf, and stare at some twinkly lights this weekend! 


  1. I'm sure you are a wonderful resource to people looking to begin the adoption journey. My neighbors have one biological child and two multi-racial children whom they adopted. I'm in awe of them every day!

  2. Happy SITS day, congrats on being featured! You have a very cute blog, I can't wait to explore and see more about your experiences with adoption.

  3. Happy SITS Day, enjoy all the love! Love the name of your blog.

  4. Happy SITS Day! I'm off to read more of your blog! Enjoy your day!

  5. I absolutely ADORE the pink shoes story! :) Just have a great blog! I hope you have a very happy SITS day! :)

    1. Thank you! So great to have you stop by today!

  6. Happy SITS Day! :) She's adorable and I think it's great that you have adopted a child! Such a precious gift to you both.

  7. Your daughter is so cute! Happy SITS day!!!

  8. I felt the same way about my SITS day and almost gave up and then that blessed e-mail arrived. It was a good day for my blog and I hope it's the same for you!

  9. Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it's a fabulous day for you.

    Your blog is lovely.

  10. Congrats on you SITs day! And the photo of you and your daughter is adorable!

  11. I read the story about the pink shoes on Mom Colored Glasses. I could totally feel what you were feeling and I'm so happy that your little girl got to wear them 7 years later. I gave your post a Google +1 and I'm now following on GFC.

    Tina - American mom raising 4 kids in South Africa

    1. Thank you so much Tina! And your story sound fascinating too!

  12. Adorable pic--going to check out Mom Colored Glasses as well--Congrats on your special day!

    1. Hope you liked Mom Colored Glasses too! Make sure to check there often--we have some great giveaways--a lot!

  13. Wonderful blog..Happy SITS day!

    From TracyAnn of and

  14. YaY and Happy SITS day!!! :) I love the new blog design! Adorable!!!

  15. Happy SITS day! And, nom, that ice cream looks yummy!! :D

  16. Hope you have a very happy SITS Day!

  17. Happy SITS day! You have a very cute blog and I loved reading about how open adoption chose you instead of the other way around. It was beautifully written! That picture of you and your daughter eating ice cream is adorable as well! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Danielle! I have really learned that in the end adoption does seem to choose you---kind of like forces you can't control!

  18. I love your blog and can't wait to follow it! Also, the photo of you and your daughter is adorable! Happy SITS Day!

  19. Great post - I am adopted as well, it is awesome to see someone sharing these experiences with other moms. Reading how open adoption "chose" you was great. I will visit often!

    1. Lisa, so great to have you! Thanks for saying hi!

  20. Happy Sits day! Your daughter looks so happy -- totally the way to know that you're a great mom :)♡ Jill

  21. I'm figuring out that... I like your style; the way you write - express yourself. And I think it's so cool that you adopted. Your daughter is gorgeous! And I bet she's just as beautiful inside too.

    Lots is going on, of course, because it's Christmastime. And, it didn't help that my computer got hit by a mutating virus last week, which cost me almost the whole week; trying to get it resolved (I did... FINALLY!) BTW, if that ever happens to you, look me up. The whole experience of what happened damn near made me an IT Security expert! So, because the is the "Reason for the Season" and I'm trying like the Dickens to play catch up, I might not get back over here to visit until the New Year. But, I will be back! I want to know more about this adoption stuff. I don't have any kids.

    Happy holidays to you and yours... and many blessings to you too!

  22. Happy sits picked a great collection of posts to share...;)

  23. Happy SITS day Maggie!! You have a beautiful blog. The pink shoe story is the most warm and touching one I have read.
    Hope you have a wonderful day :)

    1. Aww, thank you so much Xae. It's so nice to have you stop over!

  24. What a wonderful blog you have! I love your header! I hope you had a wonderful SITS day!

  25. Happy Sits Day, love the picture of you two!

  26. Happy SITS day! Today is my first day participating in the Comment Love and I'm so glad that it got to be on Pink Shoes. Your site has already made me cry! I love stories that move me emotionally. Thank you for your transparency here! I look forward to following along.

    1. So nice to have you Summer! I hope your SITS day comes soon! It's super great!

  27. Happy belated SITS day! I've been trying to play catch up but December seems to be flying right past me. I just love your blog title.

    I'm having a FACEBOOK social hop. I'd love for you to hop on over, grab a button and link up your facebook.

    Have a crazy beautiful week!
