
Monday, November 5, 2012

A little Halloween....a little Disney.......

I'm back in Michigan from a family vacation---an exhausting one--but an incredible one.  More on that later.  

Last Wednesday, Halloween.  One of my least favorite holidays. Yep, I said it. I think costumes are cute, I love candy, I love trick or treating, and I love getting Georgia dressed up.  Once. But the month of October is getting ridiculous.  Starting October 1st it's like, "Today is wear your costume to the gas station day." October 7th, "It's wear your costume to the fire station day." October 14th it's time to........"wear your costume to aisle seven of the grocery store day." Then on the 20th it's, "wear your costume to ballet and bring candy to pass out." And by the time the 31st rolls around the costumes are fraying, your kid doesn't want to get wrangled into it one more time, and one top of that, it's raining in awesome Michigan and you get to tramp through puddles and wear gloves because it's so ridiculously cold.  

But Georgia, ever the happy Little Mermaid had a great time eating with friends before hand and getting all dressed up.  

My mom did a truly amazing job making her costume.  I'm sure this mermaid tail will be falling apart long before Georgia is done playing with it.  

And then...........the best thing.........
We headed down to Disney for four days with my family.  It was so fantastic.  I was waiting for meltdowns, fights with Chris, family tension, and "I've had it up to here's," like you hear people lament about their trips to Disney.  It was absolutely the furthest from that........pretty much a flawless trip.  I'll be back later this week to share my thoughts and opinions on Disney trips and what makes them good.  You know......since I've been once with a kid and I'm an expert now.  

In general, I've spent my whole life pretty unaware of Disney and why people are obsessed with it.  And while I'm not about to run out and get a Minnie Mouse tattoo.......meeting the princesses was so much fun with Georgia.  And the best.....if you go......find Cinderella's step family.  They are hilarious. I mean just look at the facial expression of the one below in lime green.  

There's my first tip.  More to come. 

And........don't forget to vote tomorrow!  It's important.  And if you can---take your kiddo's.  I think it's crucial for them to see it in action and to hear you talk about a respectful matter who is elected.  I'm an election geek and I put tomorrow night's television viewing right up there with some of the best nights of TV out there.   

Don't waste your right.  Vote. 


  1. So glad you had fun! Our trip to Disney was one of my favorites ever.

  2. 100% agree about Disney...We had 8 days and no fights. One HUGE meltdown by both girls at Epcot in the middle of the week, but I can't say I blame them. We did run them like crazy and it's a lot to take in. BUT-absolutley the best vacation we've taken. And that was in the middle of August, in Florida's humidity. The kind where your morning shower was pointless 5 minutes after you walk outside. Even Disneyland didn't compare. Although we did have sick kids and a rough start to that vacation so I can't say it's all Disneyland's fault. I LOVE DISNEY!!!

  3. long time reader, first time poster and HUGE DISNEY FAN! I had to come out of lurkdom to let you know that you met the REAL Drizella (step sister in green dress). I know her! I facebooked her to confirm (yes, Drizella has facebook LOL).

    I'm glad you enjoyed Disney. It's my favorite place to go.

  4. I agree about Halloween! My daughter had already worn her costume like 5 times before actual Halloween even came!

  5. Glad you guys had fun in Disney!! We're talking about taking a big family trip in about 2-3 years. Dylan will be about 6, our nephew will be about 3. I secretly wish it was now. :-P
