
Monday, August 20, 2012

That time that Tim Allen was right...........

We just got back from vacation near Traverse City, Michigan.  It was our fifth year renting a place with my parents and we found some absolutely incredible, out of a "Pure Michigan" radio spot places to play on this year.  Tim Allen and his sultry voice were just down the beach from us, I'm almost sure of it.

We stumbled upon this near secluded beach of Lake Michigan fabulousness in Good Harbor.  Please notice that Georgia is wearing pants here.........

.....and here.....

.....and here.....

.....but not here.  You see, when my mom gets involved in anything having to do with Lake Michigan she believes you need to fully experience all parts of it.  If it means running free and pantless on the be it.

And Georgia really couldn't agree with this Lake Michigan philosophy more.

Her shrieks and squeals of delight at this wardrobe change were awesome.  And they almost convinced me to let her run totally naked, but it was a little cold that day--although I don't think she would have noticed if had been thirty degrees she was having so much fun.

I think she's raising her hands in thanksgiving here that she's half undressed rolling around in sand in what were sure the perfect makings of a visual "Pure Michigan" commercial. 

Pyramid Point in Good Harbor, Michigan.  One of the best "off the beaten path" finds I've ever been privy to. 

A lot of people believe that there is nothing better than the ocean.  And oceans are amazing, I can't deny that.  But when you're standing up here on top of Lake Michigan it's hard to remember why the Great Lakes aren't just as amazing.  And an added bonus--when you're swimming in them--you won't get a mouth full of warm salt water.

We did lots of other great things too back at the cottage we rent.......boat rides, walks in the woods, catching minnows, a little hair styling........

And of course a lot of "putting up shows."  Georgia used the end of the dock as her own personal off-off Broadway stage and I'd catch her out there all dressed up like Rapunzel singing "Mother Knows Best" to the lake.

Vacations are the best.  And the good part about them ending is that it makes you reflect on how perfect it is to spend a week doing nothing but just hanging out with your family.

I'm so thankful to have mine.


  1. You take amazing pictures! And it helps that you have such a photogenic subject!

  2. Hello! This is Katie, one of the "neighbors" from the cottage next door! Looked up your blog and I look forward to following along!

    1. So good to have you Katie! Hope you guys found something to do those last couple cold,rainy days! We've never had weather like that! :(

  3. And, this is Theresa, another "neighbor" from last week:) Love your blog and your story and can't wait to follow along.

  4. This is jenna! Marci and petes cousin i love your blog!

  5. so much fun

  6. What a lovely recap to what looks and sounds like a wonderful vacation week! Living in Minnesota, I’m a lake girl too! Yes, no mouths full of salt water… and no shark bites either!! We’re headed to Madeline Island, WI on Lake Superior in early October with some friends. Of course we could get “the call” before then, but, hey, needing to cancel for that reason would be welcomed! ;)

    1. Yep--"the call" would be awesome Beth! We almost booked a trip to Mexico the day before we got our call--and there would have been no better reason to give up a week in the sand than that!

  7. {Melinda} That looks absolutely amazing. I love the image of Rapunzel on the dock. I think little girls playing princess just makes God smile. :)

    We live just minutes from beautiful west coast Florida beach and don't indulge in its beauty nearly as much as we should. It's a crime!

    Visiting from SITS! Following your sweet blog now. :)

    1. Melinda! So great to have you and you are my 100th follower! Thanks for breaking that milestone for me! Whoo-Hoo!

  8. Really enjoyed seeing pics of Georgia running on gorgeous Lake Michigan. Especially liked the one of your Mom with her girls ! Thanks for sharing your vacation . Too bad no peach pie!

  9. I love it, it looks beautiful and I just added it to my must see List! I love lakes, I grew up on one and there are so many wonderful things to experience.

  10. Looks like it was an awesome vacation!! Also, Georgia is such a pretty little girl. :-)

  11. Beautiful photos! What a fun vacation.

    Stopping by from SITS.

  12. We just got back from spending a week in Grand Haven. We felt the exact same thing...MI has some amazing beaches...why go to Florida?!
