
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Raising Humans.

I have the incredible privilege to be guest-posting today over at Raising Humans.  I first "met" Tricia back last fall when she found my blog through another web-site we both frequented.  Tricia was the first follower of my blog that I'd never met in person and she has been so encouraging ever since.  When she asked me to guest post on her fantastic site about personal growth I jumped at the chance.

So, if you have a minute, hop on over and check out what I have to say about something in my life that has made me grow and experience stretching in ways that I never really anticipated or invited at the time.

And if you're stopping over as a regular reader of Raising Humans, welcome!  It's great to have new readers and meet new people.  A few of my favorite posts from the last year if you'd like to catch up on what makes me tick...........

Public Enemy #1
Drying my hair in the dining room. 
Birth-Mother's Day
Old Friends
Adoptive Moms Wish

And there's lots more buried in here as well!  Stay awhile if you'd like.

In other news........I'm still up north working on my tan and keeping up on my running.  We went over to Sleeping Bear Dunes near Glen Arbor, Michigan a few nights ago and were astounded by how incredible it really is.  Ridiculously--this is the first time in my life I've ever seen them and I've lived in Michigan and vacationed up north my whole life.  Crazy I tell you.  Crazy.

So.....word to the wise.....get yourself there if you're within a 200 mile radius.  It's pretty spectacular!

My sister Ellen, and her boyfriend Jim, at a Lake Michigan overlook.  I'm not going to lie--this was a tad scary. 

My sister, my mom, Georgia, and I......all the girls on the dunes. 

Back soon! Have a great day!


  1. Brett's parents have a place there... We go often... One of my favorite places on earth! Enjoy!

  2. Lovely photos :)

  3. I have never been there either. I am putting it on the list for summer next year. Great job on the running!

  4. It was so great to have you at Raising Humans today! I love your words there and your photos here are stunning! Hope you are having an amazing vacation.

  5. Nice to meet you! You have a new follower here! Stopping by from "Raising Humans" :)

  6. Wow that looks amazing! Glad you were able to make the trip up.

    Stopping by from SITS
