
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Couch {er....Coma} to 5k.

About a month ago my friend Amber posted this on her blog.  It looked awesome.  Like the most.  And then I found out there was a Color Run in my very own city of Grand Rapids, Michigan--but I'd missed the deadline to register......and let's be honest......I'd have a difficult time running a 5k at this point even if the prize for..........just finishing in under twenty-four hours.......was an all expense paid trip to Puerto Vallarta.

And that's stupid.  I should be able to run a 5k.  I'm 34.  Healthy (ish). And it's just all around a good thing to be able to do.

I'd been saving the "Couch to 5K" schedule on my desktop for a while and just kept staring at it.  But I always forgot about it come the next Monday (the only day to actually start things right?) or so I told myself.  And my anal mind just couldn't come to grips with starting something on a random Thursday night.  I mean.......that just feels.......messy.

But I read Amber's post on a Thursday and I decided........I was taking this bull by the horns and I was starting that night.  Thursday, July 12th.

And I did.
I snapped this picture (I don't even know why I own running shoes--I guess it's the American thing to do) before I started off.  And how appropriate that I stood in a pile of pink sand from Georgia's sandbox while using the Color Run as my inspiration to get off the couch and run.  Or, more appropriate for me.....out of my coma.

That's right.  I run in big dangly earrings.  It'll be my trademark or something.  They'll call me the......earring runner.  Whatever.

I started this post the day after I started the program--as a way to keep myself accountable.  Here I am.....on a random Saturday......

.....running at no one can see me awkwardly dying jogging through the neighborhood......

And I've kept at it.  I'm 1/2 way through the schedule.  And when I complete it--I've pretty much decided that these babies will be a reward to myself--because they're awesome.

.....running with a cold.....and every time my feet pounded the pavement it was like someone was hitting me in the head with a mallet.....

.......running to Kylie who is my running friend......although I've decided a great track to run to would be the sound of someone chasing you through a parking garage at night.....that'd get you going right?

And the ultimate husband stood out on the driveway last night while I ran by him willing myself to keep going and clapped for me and then told me when I came back in that I actually looked like a runner.  A real runner who runs for exercise......not just someone huffing through neighborhood streets in a sad, sad way.

I'm headed up north for vacation next week and I'm thankful that I'll have some die hard runners up there with me to get me through some big hurdles in the program.  The amount of running I have to jump up to next week feels a little daunting.....but then again.......three weeks ago four minutes felt like that.......and now......four minutes feels like nothing.  And a great feeling.

If you're interested in doing the couch to 5k program yourself the schedule is right here.........

So thank-you Amber for getting me off the couch......and you did it all the way from the Philly color run without even knowing it!  (And P.S.......when you click over to Amber's blog check out her posts about the amazing open adoption she has with her son's's all kinds of fantastic!)


  1. Good job! Just wait. You'll get addicted. It happens to the best of us. I like the earrings too. I saw someone this weekend ready to run 13.1 in dangly earrings!

    1. I guess I kind of figure if all those Olympic runners can run with crazy extensions, pounds of make-up and huge fake nails I can pull of some crazy earrings......right? And I'm enjoying it way more than I thought I would!

  2. Yippee. So glad you are on your way to your goals. Isn't it great how a blog makes you accountable? It is so much easier to stay on the couch, but so much more rewarding to get off of it and do something! Found you on SITS.

    1. So good to have you Raquel! And yes--blogging is one of the best, most convicting accountability tools I've found to date!

  3. How awesome is this?! Love the pictures too. And your dangly earrings. Stopped by from SITS. So nice to "meet" you!

    1. Nice to "meet" you too Pam! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!

  4. the earring part cracked me up! I already commented on fb, just had to come by and say that too. Also if you are really serious about running, you should go to a legit running store and have your feet and stride evaluated. Best thing I ever did. I just wish I had done it at the beginning of my running. Every shoe is not made for any runner!

    1. Good to know Amber. I'll have to do that---does that make me a runner? Wonders never cease I guess........

  5. GOOD FOR YOU (I say with genuine encouragement and admiration… but also a bit of projected self-loathing). ;) Ugh… I guess I should do it. I’ve always wanted to be a cool runner-type. The most running I’ve ever done was to catch a bus in college (a million years ago). But I’m dying to get those “Your baby’s 2 weeks old?!... Wow, you look great!” comments from strangers whenever we bring home our son or daughter (adopted). I’m pretty sure I won’t correct them. Thanks for the motivation. I just printed off the schedule. We’ll see…

    1. My boss used to say that the only time he ever saw me run was to get back in line fast for a roller coaster at our end of the year trip with our middle school students. So I'm there with you! And yes--those comments in the grocery store are freaking fantastic while you're maneuvering a two week old. I would just look at the ladies who said that to me and say, "well thank-you." I figured what they don't know won't hurt them--we deserve it, right? :)

  6. "Someone chasing you through a parking garage at night"~ that totally cracked me up! That's probably what I'd need to get started. Ugh. I'll think about it. =)

    1. Yeah--that sick thought came to me one night while I was almost about to faint while running and I thought.......I bet I could run faster if...............

  7. Wow! Good for you! Have fun while you do :)

  8. Good for you! Your pics are adorable. Love the idea to stand it chalk for motivation. Speaking of, you just gave me a much needed kick in the pants.

  9. New follower and visiting from SITS! You will now be my running inspiration! I love those pink shoes---great incentive ;)

    What app did you use to create those fun poloraid photos?? I love them!

    Have a great weekend and good luck!

    1. So good to have you Devon! I even ran in the rain tonight--who am I? I made the pictures on my iPhone using InstaPlus.

  10. WOOHOO Running your first 5k race will be an awesome experience. I started running a year ago and we just moved from very flat Illinois to Very Mountainous Colorado. It is killing me, you just gave me some inspiration though THANKS!!!

    I saw your title on sits and had to come see :)

    1. I plan out my running routes to make sure I encounter plenty of down hill moments so I feel your pain regarding Colorado! That would be tough......

      So good to have you!
