
Monday, May 21, 2012

And the weekend was good.

So very good.
It's finally summer here in Michigan.  And we initiated sticky sweaty days, playing in the water, running from one great thing to the next, and Sunday evenings where you lay on the couch in a heap and think, "That was a fantastic weekend."

We did summer things like take our first trip to the farmers market.  We make a pilgrimage there most every Saturday morning in the summer followed up by a trip to Van's pastries for doughnuts and some antiquing on Fulton Street here in Grand Rapids.  The farmers market can be a dangerous place for me.  I'm tempted to buy things I don't even enjoy or know what to do with like, raw honey, organic lamb, kohlrabi, beets, or kale (actually--that one is growing on me) just because it's stacked up in beautiful piles, there's live guitar music, the sun is shining, and the romance of the famers market takes over.  With it being so early in the season there isn't a lot of superfluous produce to tempt me yet--that will come.

Chris is honestly not that irritated with me.....I had only just started taking pictures.  

Georgia found purple basil and because it was so, "beauty-ful," had to have it.  I'll pretty much agree to anything if she'll actually look at me when I'm taking a picture and smile a real smile.  

Cupcakes for breakfast.  Again, the romance of the market....and I'm sure these were free-trade organic cupcakes.  

You can tell it's early in the season........because that up a horrible deal on corn.  Inflation at the farmers market?

I gave Georgia a dollar to put into this guys guitar case.  The first time she attempted it she stood about three feet away from him and flung the dollar into the air so as not to have to get too close to him.  It fluttered to the ground.  It took a couple of times before she'd walk right up and drop her dollar in there.  When she does stuff like this, I see so much of myself in her.  And it makes me smile a little bit.   And think......BE I heard my mom say so many times to me.

Ahhh.....Saltwater sandals.  She had a pair of these as a baby and I remembered to get her another pair this summer.  I may or may not have a pair to match.  And in case I really do have a matching pair I probably found them on Mod Cloth as they'd most likely have had the cheapest ones out there.  I think another color is in Georgia's future.  They are truly the most comfortable sandals for little kids.....and adults.  

From the market we did things like plant flowers and get the beds ready for the summer............

Headed to Georgia's best little friend Fiona's third birthday party........

Seriously---these little cheeks--I could bite them.

And of course, a summer weekend wouldn't be complete without a trampoline jumping session. We introduced Georgia to the sprinkler under the trampoline on Sunday and........she's hooked.

I'm sure there will be a lot more where that came from.  Let the summer weekends begin.  


  1. Looks like you had an amazing weekend! Here's to more on the horizon!!!

  2. How fun! You make me want to go to the farmer's Market! ( except I will buy my corn at Meijer....12 cents an ear this week and delicious! ;)Beautiful pics of Georgia!-

  3. What a fun weekend and great pictures!! She is just the cutest little girl ever and you are a cute momma too :)

  4. Looks so fun!! Can't wait for farmers markets to get in full swing around here!

  5. I spy a Blue Q shopper! I work at the Q...12 years now. Small world. :)

    Jenny V

    1. What's so funny Jenny is that I bought that bag at a little boutique in the Detroit, Michigan area! I didn't know it came from an actual place! ;)
