
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The time we went Christmas caroling..........

So about about a month ago my friends Brooke and Rachel said, "Wouldn't it be fun to have a Christmas caroling party?"

The room kind of got quiet and then everyone started laughing, "Funny you guys.  Anyway--moving on."

They were serious.

To oblige them we all kind of hemmed and hawed and put a date on the calendar and I secretly thought, "We'll see."

Well.....last night came, the date we'd decided on.................and it was fantastic. I was thrilled to be wrong and I actually told Brooke that she'd done such a good job with everything that she'd just committed herself to a caroling party for next year too.

Caroling is one of those things that you've heard people used to do.  Used to do being the operative word.  And maybe they really just did it in old black and white movies from the forties........maybe.   But who says it wouldn't be great to get back to a little forties.........the greatest generation and all, right?

We had a few songs to sing......easy ones for the kids, a route of elderly homes to visit, a lot of kids who don't easily embarrass, and the promise of hot chocolate and cookies waiting for us back at Brooke's house.

Heading out.............

Waiting for the first house to open their door...........

My little singer......she didn't need the lyrics page to know.......with the not reading yet and the fact that she knows the words to every song if she hears it once.  She was getting into it.

Georgia and Fiona.........old friends........

Madi singing "Rudolph".................

A few of the men........

I love this picture.  Love it.  You know how when you're little there is always this older kid that you really look up to and want to be around?  And when you hear they're going to be somewhere you can't wait to see them?  It's Anna for Georgia.  Georgia talks about Anna all the time.  And Anna takes Georgia under her wing whenever we're together......holding her hand, carrying her across the street, playing with her, finding her at church, helping her pass out candy canes while we serve dinner, everything.  It warms my hear to see Georgia developing the kinds of relationships with people that we all remember for a life-time.

So cute........I'm sure this lady caroled a day or two in her lifetime and loved the kids.

Waiting, waiting..............

We needed some bigger porches for all those kids...........

And the pay-off.  Brooke and her family made adorable personalized coffee & hot chocolate mugs for everyone along with some amazing Christmas goodness to eat.

And this one's my favorite from the night........because it represents this great little community of friends and kids that Chris and I are choosing to build for our daughter......and us.  All these kids running around together, eating way too many cookies right before bed, shrieking in bedrooms and slamming doors, giggling, telling silly jokes, and loving something as simple and old-fashioned as a Christmas caroling party.

I love to look at these moments like I'm hovering above them, taking in my daughter and her friends loving what they're doing.  Loving it because they are creating a memory and a moment that can't be reproduced with toys or presents or expensive vacations or stuff...........but only with other people and relationships.  The former is fun too, but in the end it's not as much fun or meaningful as the people......and a lot of little voices singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" at the top of their lungs on a chilly December night all smushed together on a strangers porch...........

So thanks to Brooke and Rachel for really pushing this idea and forcing us all to do something........fantastic! See you next year!

1 comment:

  1. That is such a wonderful idea! I wish I had more friends around here!
