
Sunday, November 13, 2011

On Crying at Elmo & Passing the Parent Test.

Nothing says, "Welcome home from Brazil babe!," like an afternoon at 'Elmo Sings....Live on Sesame Street.'  We took Georgia to see her first 'big' show today in the form of a Sesame Street production--she loved it; I teared up a bit.  You know Sesame Street--it's just so moving and deep and philosophical and makes you ponder all of life's questions.

It's not........

But there is something about seeing your baby so in love with what she's doing and enjoying herself so much and waving and jumping and yelling as loud as she can, "Hi Elmo, hi Abby, hi Big Bird--I'm right here," that makes you tear up.  Your mom heart swells a little bit and pushes out some tears, and you have to quick wipe them away so your husband doesn't think you're completely losing it.

I'm so mad too, because I didn't bring my camera.  I was thinking you weren't supposed to have it and they would confiscate it (I know no one that has really had that my crazy worry wart mind however I imagine a huge take down because "this mom has a camera"). So........I was left to shooting with my phone--good in a pinch but not the greatest at taking on spot lights and disco balls.  Next time I'll bring my camera.


this picture of us eating cotton candy is weird......and I look like I'm dreaming about it but really I can hardly stand the stuff.  It was the only "decent-ish" one of the two of us though so it's sticking around.

I caved and bought Georgia another Sesame Street doll.  She already owns Elmo but he needed a companion of the Sesame Street variety so now he's got Baby Zoe to lay on the car floor with.

However......the parent test that I did pass came in the form..............

of these Mylar Elmo balloons.  I had every intention of getting one for Georgia.  I marched down, waited in line and discovered these babies were $10.  Right--$10 for a balloon.  I walked away.

This guy didn't.  I hope he wins the grandpa award for the day and that his grand-children didn't let their balloons fly away into the rafters of the Van Andel Arena--there were plenty of them up there.

It was a great way to spend an afternoon.  I'd do it again in a minute.  Georgia spotted the sign for Disney on Ice coming in March so I'm sure we'll be there again........

Hope you had a great weekend!  See you tomorrow.......I have a little project for you and your hair--think late 70's.........

1 comment:

  1. I once almost cried at an episode of Sesame Street that I was watching with my son. Snuffelupagus (sp?) made a wish to be a cloud, and the magic fairy person granted him enough balloons to fly up with the clouds. While up there he realized how much he misses Big Birg and I just about lost it right there.
