
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fairies are much cuter.........

than bizarre Dora wigs that contain enough hair for ten adults.  And because of this that's what Georgia was for trick-or-treating Monday night--a fairy.  The overly organized/planning mom in me didn't like the idea of switching costumes mid-stream but it just had to happen.  There was no other choice.  So on Sunday night I headed to the store to buy a pair of $10 fairy wings to pair with a tutu, lots of glitter glue, flower bows, and a crazy blue fur vest that we already owned.  The results were much more my cup of tea than the aforementioned Dora debacle. 

It was a great night.  We collected candy with our friends again this year in their neighborhood and then headed back to ours for a few houses and to pass out candy.  I think Georgia actually likes the passing out candy part more than the collecting candy part.  Although, I will say it's pretty darn adorable when after every new addition to her candy bucket she runs down the walk screaming, "Daddy.....look what they gave me!" 

Even after receiving her eighth package of Twizzlers she was over the moon.  I wish I could get that excited about something so simple. 

I love neighborhood streets on Halloween.  It reminds of days gone with their parents running all over, shrieking in excitement, leaves crunching, candles burning, so many colors, neighbors laughing, and people getting wrapped up in the camaraderie of living on the same street and feeling a pride in their community--if only for one night.  Because soon, we'll enter that time of the year here in Michigan where you leave for work in the dark, come home in the dark, and only venture outside to unbury from a foot of snow.......and you may or may not see your neighbors.  Halloween is a perfect book-end to a fabulous summer! It's a slice of Americana that makes me feel nostalgic and proud and extra determined to preserve rituals like this for my daughter.

I love this!  She's actually kind of looking at me.  Do you know how hard it is to get a picture of this girl and her perfect little face?  The minute that camera comes out she's running in the other direction.

Blue glitter wings and sparkly bows just make me feel happy.  You?

Georgia and Fi having a serious conversation about the status of their candy buckets.

If we hadn't stopped this when we did I promise you she would have had every piece of candy she'd received out on the side-walk for us to inventory, "I have M & M's, these little circle candies, sugar, bigger sugar (pixie sticks), chocolate, one for me, one for mommy, one for Sparrow.........."

That's it.....and we'll be eating candy until the end of November or whenever I decide to pitch it.  November is here and great things are coming as we get ready for the best holidays of the year!

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