
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas Tree {Part One}

Christmas trees are a big deal (to me).  I honestly don't mind if they're real or artificial, big or small, green or frosty white (one day I'll have a white tree--it's my dream)--they just need to look good, you need to have one, and I hold firmly to the belief that they should be covered in memories that come in the shape of ornaments that you made as a kids, your own children have made, people have given you as keepsakes, that you've picked up on family vacations, or that remind you of something fantastic in your life (more on this tomorrow).

But the first step--you have to get one.  Whether you get it from your basement or attic, your local nursery, or you cut it down yourself.....doesn't matter....just get one.

Today we headed up north for Chris's family Thanksmas (Thanksgiving + Christmas).  His grandma and grandpa leave for Florida next week so we always celebrate early with his side of the family.  And, conveniently they own a lot of land that they grow Christmas trees on that they sell to people in the area.  For us though--they're free, and I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say we found the perfect tree this year.

I'm a huge fan of the "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree variety.  I want big huge gaps in between my branches for all of my dangly ornaments and I want beautiful layers of piney smelling needles that fan out perfectly and due to the size of the space that the tree fits into in our living room,  it needs to be kind of skinny.  For me---a Frasier Fir is the way to go.

Chris spotted "it" this year while we were looking.  He deserves a Christmas tree medal in my opinion.

Look at those spaces just waiting to be filled with glitter and lights and beads and pipe cleaner angels and   macaroni hearts and feathery birds and glass icicles--it's going to be good!

Great grandpa wanted to cut it down himself--he had us mark our prize with some ribbon so he'd find it.

Georgia could feel my excitement.  We shared a moment about it.

And Georgia's moment....getting to drive.  And man did she have a death grip on that wheel according to Chris.  She was in control and wasn't letting go--look at that ten and two positioning!  She might want to work on keeping her eyes on the road.

Chris and his grandpa.  Howard is one of those grandpa's that epitomizes the word grandpa.  This guy has more fire and fiest than most twenty one year old's I know.  He works hard, loves his family, adores his wife, and puts his whole self into what he does no matter what it is.  He's pretty spectacular! And he's pretty fierce with a chain-saw too.

And tomorrow night.......I'll show you the finished version. I'm thinking I might go out on a limb and do colored lights this year.  We'll see.

"Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree..........."

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tree! I think if we had a farm around here, we might get a live one... maybe. But last live one we got shed like nuts and left sticky sap everywhere. We actually found some sap from that tree when we moved. So for now, for us, fake is the way to go...

    P.S. - Thanks so much for stopping by on my SITS Day!
