
Sunday, August 14, 2011


G and I went grocery shopping on Friday.  I let her bring her own grocery cart again eliminates the arguments about those ridiculous "car" grocery carts that sit at the front of the store like a beacon and temper tantrum magnet for all toddlers.  Seriously--if you own a grocery store and keep those in your store.....most moms despise that part of your establishment.......despise.  They are filthy, they aren't even big enough to actually hold a whole trip worth of groceries, they are cumbersome to push around the store, and where I shop they actually charge you to use them.  A few trips ago as I was telling Georgia that they were once again broken...."what a bummer," the greeter had the nerve to interrupt me with a, "oh no honey--they're not broken....they work just fine." 

Really lady? Really?  I think you need to get back to passing out those fliers. 

So, if she brings her own grocery cart that absolutely takes the cake.  However, along with the grocery cart comes a whole new world in Georgia's line of sight.  A rack of tutu's was the first thing we came across; after the car carts, tables of stuff that is sticky and will stain, and stuffed animals the size of our house of course. 

It's funny that Georgia zeroed in on these because she has never really been pulled to dress-up stuff.  I've tried believe me.  Make-up, scarves, shoes, tiara's, fedora's, sunglasses, and everything in between.  She just takes it off and asks if we can go find ants and rocks.  Sure....should I grab a magnifying glass too so we can burn those ants and complete the whole feminine mystique package?

I'm kidding.  I love the whole bug thing.  I bought her an ant farm this summer and was more engrossed in it than she was. 

But back to the tutu's.  She really wanted one.  She picked it up, held it up against her waist, and told me it was so fresh and cozy.  Sold.  It's yours girl.  Put that baby in the cart and we'll get you home and get your cute butt into it ASAP.  She talked about it the rest of the trip.

And of course, upon arriving home we donned that tutu, turned up Ice, Ice Baby and got down. 

This is why I love my little girl.  She'll wear this tutu, she'll pick up ants, she'll be a sweaty mess, she'll ask to have her toes painted, she'll announce to a whole room that she just went poopy, she'll beg for me to put lip gloss on her, and she'll beg for more steak, "because I like to eat a lot of food."

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