
Monday, May 9, 2011

And I return......

It has been a long time since I've done any personal blogging....a really long fact, if you followed my previous blog,, you know that I haven't written there in almost a year.  It's not because I didn't have anything to say about my on-going experience with adoption, it's just that I began channeling my writing into a new on-line venture;  I started mom colored glasses with a good friend and her sister about six months ago.  It's a different kind of blog--one that offers mom's perspectives on anything life brings you as a mom; creating, cooking, reflecting, raising charitable kids, reading, playing, products to love, things to do, of course the experience of adoption, and so much more.  It's been a great opportunity and so enriching to hear from mom's all over the country as they too look at the world through "mom colored glasses."

But......I really missed doing it all myself too, and having my own little cyber corner so I decided to return with a whole new personal blog.  It's not just about my on-going thoughts on adoption--it's about my thoughts on life as a mom, wife, and writer (first time I've ever called myself a writer on paper--er, computer screen).

My intentions for 'pink shoes' are simple--just a documentation of things we're doing around here, things we're thinking about, things we're making, writing, experiencing, whatever.  It's an outlet I need and want and a great way to tell our story.  I'll be referencing my new on-line project, a lot (and you should definitely check it out if you haven't already) as so much of what I write there and what I'll write here will naturally over-lap--but like I said I also wanted a space here to just write about the everyday. 

It's good to be back. And.....if you don't know the story of 'pink shoes' on the link at the top of the blog in the right hand's a pretty good one (if I do say so myself).


  1. Love the way you write....I will be following this one for sure!!!

  2. I'm glad you are back too! The everyday isn't so everyday, right?

  3. Ok, so I just came here to read the "beginning" and ended up bawling my eyes out over at A Journey to You. Wow. I'm following you on my Reader. Plus, you are a great writer, which, I am not sure if you know, is a rare commodity in the blogosphere these days! Happy writing. (Came over from SITS, in case you hadn't realized.)
